
Friday, March 31, 2017

Self Evaluation to the Second Power

This semester has felt long and agonizing, and as slow as it has felt, it has gone so much quicker than I have anticipated. Here we are taking on the second week of our second half. I have become convince that this IS Class has changed me and continues to change me for the better. As dedicated as Professor Wu is to detail, It encourages me to be that much better. I work in the hospitality area and thought I was detail oriented in my line of work, but he takes it to a new level. From time management, to minor details to word documents, he definitely has made a lasting impression. 

This second half I plan to harness to further extent, my attention to detail. To take the time to read and  do thing properly, yet managing my time appropriately. I have noticed working in my field, and in a faster pace than most, it is easy to get stuck in that coasting and negligent role. Dedicate some extra hours towards school, and learn how to detach from work.

I look forward to learning and growing more this next semester. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

2nd Half to Suceed

I am looking forward for this new second half of the semester. I do hope I can keep up with all the work. I definitely has be a Roaring Roller Coaster. I hope to put the Coasting aside and keep it roaring ahead, on track, and on time.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Well! This has been a crazy half of a semester. I cant believe the we are already at half of our term already. I have a list of things to do different already and what needs improving. Call it my progress report if you wish. Now its all about getting back on track and keeping it on track. This has been a learning experience thus far and continues to be.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Round two!!

Round two of this so called Further Education, and yet I have been so overwhelmed with amount of homework there is still left to do. I don't know how I though I would be able to do 18 credits this semester. Work a full-time job,  do all this homework. Still have time to hit the gym, and make time to be a social bug. Thankfully I took my advisors advise and only took 15.

My Professor Wu was correct about "not having the time, but the ability to dedicate the time." We are all given the same amount of 24 hours within a day. What we choose to do with them is completely up to us. And how we decide to manage our time will determine the out come of our classes.

Luckily for me, my work schedule has changed this week and I am able to add a little more concentration to my assignments and tasks at hand. I continue to look forward to furthering my education and learning as much as I can. I hope all of my class mates make the time, and manage their time and resources to the max and become successful in this semesters term. Good luck to you all and may you manage your time to your best interest. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

First Impressions

They say the first impression is always the lasting one. I have started out not in the worst but, not in the best. In which I will work hard to change. I attended my first IS101 class last night. I was surprised to see my professor very in tune to his students. He knew them and wondered(in the sense of care) more than I've seen from other professors do. I am very fortunate to have a professor that cares just as I do, or even more about my success. 

I like even more his style of teaching. I enjoy the fact he is not there to hold my hand in learning this material. He pushes me and challenges me to do things on my own. To think on my own. His constructive criticism is, fair and to the point. He dose not give the answer away since its all written down already. He instead challenges you to look at it carefully. Where ever we have a question and requesting an answer, he responds with a question forcing us to think it over and work it out our selves. 

He has made it very clear, the grade we receive this semester, not just in his class, but in others will reflect on my own efforts and dedicated time. I look forward to working with Professor Wu in this semester, and in this class. I may not know what this semester may bring, but one things is sure. He has inspired me to dedicate the time and effort, and to watch them pay off.