
Monday, January 30, 2017

Round two!!

Round two of this so called Further Education, and yet I have been so overwhelmed with amount of homework there is still left to do. I don't know how I though I would be able to do 18 credits this semester. Work a full-time job,  do all this homework. Still have time to hit the gym, and make time to be a social bug. Thankfully I took my advisors advise and only took 15.

My Professor Wu was correct about "not having the time, but the ability to dedicate the time." We are all given the same amount of 24 hours within a day. What we choose to do with them is completely up to us. And how we decide to manage our time will determine the out come of our classes.

Luckily for me, my work schedule has changed this week and I am able to add a little more concentration to my assignments and tasks at hand. I continue to look forward to furthering my education and learning as much as I can. I hope all of my class mates make the time, and manage their time and resources to the max and become successful in this semesters term. Good luck to you all and may you manage your time to your best interest. 


  1. Well said Edwin! Thank you for wisdom and encouragement for your classmates :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow, I feel overwhelmed with 13 credits I can't imagine 18.

    2. Wow, I feel overwhelmed with 13 credits I can't imagine 18.

  3. Smart man
    Glad you didn't do 18- that seems scary

  4. wow! still 15 credits is a lot for me, but good luck!

  5. I am glad you are still able to hit the gym, good stress reliever.

  6. Well sad, 15 /13/18 credits is a lot, but 6 credits could also be too much, it all depends on the commitment and time management we all put in. Study and success requires an extra effort and restrictions that is not easy to adjust. But it's definitely possible!!

  7. " My fortune cookie tells me"...A lot on your plate to dish up in 24 hrs. But with continued focus, discipline and drive you will manage to digest it right off your plate. Your lucky #s 18!

  8. Wow you sure have a lot you're doing! But it's a great thing you only took 15 credits, I bet you're feeling good about that decision (: and you'll be able to do everything no problem!

  9. 15 credits is way too much!!! but kudos to you!
    Yes it is all about time management!

  10. I also sometimes choose the wrong "priorities".

  11. If you stay focus, you will succeed!
